Sara Medina
After trying to file a police report, Sílvia decides to investigate on her own and finds a contact for Moni, Martí’s ex-girlfriend, an eccentric young woman who deals drugs in order to fulfill her dream of moving to the paradise island of Tonga. Soon Moni discovers that she also has a reason to find him: ..
Carmen Mola
The year is 1834. In a Madrid ravaged by the cholera epidemic, its inhabitants face a terrible beast that kills girls of low social status. A brutal and shocking historical thriller. In a masterful way, Carmen Mola weaves, with the threads of the best kind thrillers, ....
Isabel Coixet
These texts by Isabel Coixet are a map of the interests, concerns, hobbies, and passions of the filmmaker. In them, she reflects on her travels, politics, cinema, books, music, and life. Isabel Coixet shares her recommendations on what movies to watch, what books to read, and what music to listen to. In these pages, ..
Rafael Santandreu
Fearless is the definite approach. Anyone can put it into action following its instructions and, certainly, without needing to take drugs. Get ready to become the best version of yourself: a free, powerful, and happy person. Is it possible to live without fear?.
Jamie Lee Curtis
American actress and writer.
Jamie Lee Curtis, daughter of Hollywood legends Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis, returns as the star of Halloween Kills, which picks up right where Halloween 2018 ended. Curtis is the queen of a genre that revitalizes an industry in the bones. Owner of one of the most iconic characters in Hollywood. Curtis is Laurie Strode or Laurie Strode is Jamie Lee, after 40 years playing the same role on Halloween night facing the brutal murderer, Michael Myers.
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Nubes en la cabeza
Elena Val
Grandparents and their grandchildren share a private world, and sometimes picture books manage to open a window onto its poetry. This is the case with Nubes en la cabeza. In the words of its young protagonist: "They say I have my head in the clouds, and that Grandma has clouds in her head." This is a book that explores the slip-ups that both the grandmother and the granddaughter make, their imaginary friends, their silly mistakes.
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