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#160 Jan. 2021

Guillermo Cabrera Infante    
She Sang Boleros is the outcome of suggestions by two of Cabrera Infante’s writer friends: Mario Vargas Llosa and Javier Marías. The former advised him to publish Ella cantaba boleros / She Sang Boleros as an independent narrative, instead of including it as a common thread in Tres tristes tigres.
Lo que no he dicho
Beatriz Rivas 
The ground is shaking! A secret romance. An apartment in the Roma neighborhood in Mexico City. Things fall all around, walls crack. “We will die?” The Richter scale is high and so are fatalities. Screams. Fear grows and breaks;.. ...
Albert Espinosa 
If you look at life closely, it doesn’t make any sense. Stand back and enjoy it!. This book connects with this incredible verse: “Don’t try to return to the places where you have been the most happy.” It is one of the greatest truths that exists, and losing those places should never be sad because different and better ones are sure to come.
Historias que nunca nos dejaron contar  Martha Figueroa and Rene Solorio  
Stories They Never Let Us Tell brings together the juiciest secrets of two of the most dedicated and successful entertainment journalists. This book is full of revelations, irony, and hilarious reflections from a pair of reporters who ‘knew too much’.” 
Colombian writer Pilar Quintana wins the Alfaguara Novel Prize
Guadalupe Grande, faith in poetry, dies at the age of 55
María Dueñas will publish «Sira», the second part of «El tiempo entre costuras»
The books of this year: El Cultural has selected the most interesting offers to start the still uncertain 2021
2020 has been surprisingly good for the publishing industry.
 Glenn Close
American actress and producer
With over a 45-year career, Glenn Close has lived onscreen everywhere from the lavish halls of the Parisian interiors in Dangerous Liaisons to the silent room of a Stockholm hotel room in the bitter movie The Wife. This month, the actress is the star of the emotional trauma Hillbilly Elegy, a film signed by Ron Howard for Netflix. An avid reader, Close fell in love with Spain in her many trips to the San Sebastian Film Festival and since then has been trying to learn Spanish.

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ARS Video: PlanetaLibros -  Nadal Novel Prize: 77 years celebrating literature

ARS RADIO -  RTVE Biblioteca Nacional, Radio 5: Authors in the  Public Domain 

TotoLiteratura interviews Ada Valero, author of the book Life when it was fragile (Huso Editorial, 2021)
"My novel tries to break the taboo, because I believe that taboos are only obstacles to thought." The world has become dangerous, and the new information and communication technologies, which should help us, become threats. Starting from literature as a revolution and engine of change, Ada Valero sets out to write the novel Life when it was fragile (Huso Editorial, 2021), a psychological thriller that begins with the suicide of two friends, Rocío and Fátima, who have always shared everything, and......
Children's Book
Tú eres un cielo azul
Antonio Adánez
Vera is a lively and inquisitive child who asks herself how she is connected to the world around her—a question that sends her on a journey for answers. This is a story for readers of all ages that takes a light- hearted approach to the intuitive and philosophical nature of meditation; a wonderful teaching tool that inspires wisdom.


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