Javier Adrados
Talking about Mecano is talking about the single most important example of Spanish pop. It is also talking about the music of two or three generations. This biography is a tour through Mecano’s whole career, the numbers of which are eye-popping: more than 200,000 albums sold each year around the world, . ...
A historical Barcelona is the literary myth at the center of this novel populated by peculiar characters. Among the narrators are a nameless foreigner, a transvestite psychoanalyst, a girl who says she is Marilyn Monroe’s heir, a blind man who leaves a mysterious manuscript ....
Ángela Becerra
On a stormy and muddy night, a bastard child is born. Believing she is dead, they baptize her with the name of Betsabé. No one knows that inside of her, she carries the strength of femininity, as well as the magic and rebellion that will help her overcome all obstacles.
Argenis Gabriela Uriarte, one of the most influential dietitians and nutritionists in Spain, offers her tricks so that you get rid of the scale forever, change your dieting habits ,and start eating real food.
Bryan Cranston American actor, producer, director, screenwriter, and comedian
Long before he ascended to the top of his profession, Cranston faced no shortage of personal and professional challenges until the success of Breaking Bad, the show that changed his life. Author of the memoir A Life in Parts, he usually voices audiobooks, such as The title the Things They Carried. A book lover, he confesses his passion for drama and theater, such as the works of Lorca.
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TodoLiteratura interviews Cristina Higheras, actress, theater producer and writer from Madrid
This time around, her new work is a cross between thriller and science fiction, in which she deals with the controversial topic of 3D printing human organs. The theme of human cloning is not far away, either.Over the days she spent at Semana Negra in Gijón, Cristina Higueras launched her new novel and took part in a round table on Federico García Lorca, an author she knows very well, since she has acted in some of the most well-known pieces by the writer from Granada.
Three cousins. Two worlds. One secret. Discover The Gods of the North, the most stunning saga of the year. A journey in which magic will lead you to the truth. Day for those from the day. Night for those from the night. The legend goes that in the Baztán Valley, the gods coexisted in brotherhood and the creatures of the day and night could live in harmony.
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